Episode 35

35. Parenting and Family Scandals

Published on: 8th December, 2021

In this episode of The Pick Truth Podcast, hosts Dr. Vicky Harris & LaMont Hearn Jr. read and rate some sweet, emotional, weird, and crazy confession stories. The rating ranges from Bell Pepper, Poblano, Jalapeno, Thai Chili, and Reaper. Vicky and LaMont start the conversation by reviewing their experiences for the past week.

In today’s episode, the hosts share the confession of a 29-year-old lady who has been raising her sister’s child (now 16 years). Sadly enough, the lady has been having challenges conceiving and now feels resentful about raising one of her sister’s six healthy kids. LaMont also reads a confession of a guy who physically abused her toxic mother, and he fears that he won’t ever be able to forgive himself. How would you rate these truths? Find out more in this episode!

Vicky and LaMont highlight the proposed Bentley’s law on the Truth in the News. This law would require drunk drivers to pay child support when an accident they cause kills a parent or parents. Today’s plight is about a grandmother who has been raising her grandkids after a drunk driver killed their parents.

Tune in now!


[01:32] Week’s overview

[04:27] Difference between coaching and mentoring

[05:53] Are you ready for Vicky’s Podcast production company?

[07:06] 1st Truth/Confession

[07:20] “I’m mad at my sister because she’s a junky.”

[08:10] LaMont’s views and comments on the truth

[09:39] The lady can seek counseling

[10:30] How Vicky struggled with infertility

[12:18] The social stigma women go through when they are unable to conceive

[14:33] Vicky’s views, comments, and Bell Pepper rating on the truth

[19:58] Severe side effects of fertility drugs

[23:51] 2nd Truth/Confession

[24:08] “I physically abused my mum, & don’t know if I can ever forgive myself.”

[26:57] Vicky’s comments about the confession and her advice

[36:07] Why Vicky rates this truth as a Poblano

[37:46] LaMont’s reasons for rating this truth a Poblano

[43:29] Truth in the News

[43:39] The proposed Bentleys law

[44:27] Is it a good idea?

[47:13] What about the other types of murder? -Vicky

[48:58] Difference between regular child support and one aimed at punishment

[53:44] Vicky’s birth control advice to young ladies

[55:44] Ending show and call to action


● “Having a plan gives you an anticipation of a bright future.”

● “Your life is more valuable than the moment that you are in.”

● “Not all parents are good. Your greatest enemy to progress could be your parent.”


● Bell Pepper - Very mild Truth

● Poblano - Your Truth could irritate others.

● Jalapeno - Spicy Truth (we are giving you a side-eye)

● Thai Chili - WTF, I'm judging you.

● Reaper - Take this Truth to your deathbed


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Pick Truth
We can’t pick Truths without you.
"Pick Truth" is a hilarious and thought-provoking podcast that delves into the realm of black comedy and black humor Hosted by Dr. Vicky Harris and LaMont Hearn Jr. The podcast explores various aspects with a heat rating system ranging from mild truths to mind-blowing revelations, the "Pick Truth" Podcast engages listeners and challenges them to confront uncomfortable truths, entertain spicy and eye-opening revelations, and even encounter truths that might leave them speechless.

New episodes of "Pick Truth" are released every Wednesday, providing an engaging and entertaining podcasting experience for all listeners interested. So, join Dr. Vicky Harris and LaMont Hearn Jr. as they navigate the realm of truth in their unique and hilarious style.

About your hosts

Dr. Vicky Harris

Profile picture for Dr. Vicky Harris
Dr. Vicky Harris and LaMont Hearn Jr.

LaMont Hearn Jr

Profile picture for LaMont Hearn Jr