Episode 36

36. A Reflection on the Memory of a Life

Published on: 15th December, 2021

In this episode of The Pick Truth Podcast, hosts Dr. Vicky Harris & LaMont Hearn Jr. read and rate some sweet, emotional, weird, and crazy confession stories. The rating ranges from Bell Pepper, Poblano, Jalapeno, Thai Chili, and Reaper. Vicky and LaMont start the conversation by reviewing their experiences for the past week.

In today’s episode, the hosts share the confession of a young lady who took her dead grandma’s gift card and went in a spend thrill without informing anyone. Sadly, after seven years, she still feels guilty about it. LaMont also reads a confession of a guy who placed fireworks in someone’s letterbox at eleven years from the influence of friends. The incidents haunt him to this day. How would you rate these truths? Find out more about them in the episode!

Vicky and LaMont also review the dollar tree hike highlight on the Truth in the News. The Dollar Tree Company is planning to move everything from a dollar to a dollar 25 in May 2022. This means there will be a 25% increase in pricing for everything, which is pretty big after having the price as a dollar for 35 years. What could be the reason behind the Dollar Tree hike? Find out more about the story.

Tune in now!


[0o:43] Week’s overview

[01:42] Vicky kids fight in the morning and how she handled it

[07:36] 1st Truth/Confession

[07:20] “Seven years ago I took a gift card from my dead grandma’s house.”

[08:39] LaMont’s views and comments on the truth

[09:11] Putting gift cards on the will

[10:21] Vicky husband watches will for his sons

[12;06] LaMont’s comments and poblano rating on the truth

[12:33] Vicky’s views and Jalapeno rating on the truth

[14:36] About LaMonts beautiful wife

[16:51] 2nd Truth/Confession

[24:08] “I put a fire work in someone mail box and it haunts me.”

[18:42] Vicky’s view and comments about the confession

[21:08] LaMont’s experience with a BB gun and why he rates the truth as a Poblano

[24:55] Vicky’s experience and the importance of giving children autonomy

[29:25] Truth in the News

[29:44] The dollar tree hike “the prices going up from a dollar to a dollar 25.”

[32:02] About Dollar Tree three CEO in a span six-year and what this means

[35:16] The price hike, the price models and how people feel about it

[41:47] Ending show and call to action


● “If someone is not there to use their things, they’re not yours to take.”

● “Giving children autonomy builds their confidence in making better decisions.”

● “The higher you go the more political it’s and you’ve to gain political capital.”


● Bell Pepper - Very mild Truth

● Poblano - Your Truth could irritate others.

● Jalapeno - Spicy Truth (we are giving you a side-eye)

● Thai Chili - WTF, I'm judging you.

● Reaper - Take this Truth to your deathbed


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Pick Truth
We can’t pick Truths without you.
"Pick Truth" is a hilarious and thought-provoking podcast that delves into the realm of black comedy and black humor Hosted by Dr. Vicky Harris and LaMont Hearn Jr. The podcast explores various aspects with a heat rating system ranging from mild truths to mind-blowing revelations, the "Pick Truth" Podcast engages listeners and challenges them to confront uncomfortable truths, entertain spicy and eye-opening revelations, and even encounter truths that might leave them speechless.

New episodes of "Pick Truth" are released every Wednesday, providing an engaging and entertaining podcasting experience for all listeners interested. So, join Dr. Vicky Harris and LaMont Hearn Jr. as they navigate the realm of truth in their unique and hilarious style.

About your hosts

Dr. Vicky Harris

Profile picture for Dr. Vicky Harris
Dr. Vicky Harris and LaMont Hearn Jr.

LaMont Hearn Jr

Profile picture for LaMont Hearn Jr