Episode 39
39. Smoking Hot!
In this episode of The Pick Truth Podcast, hosts Dr. Vicky Harris & LaMont Hearn Jr. read and rate some sweet, emotional, weird, and crazy confession stories. The rating ranges from Bell Pepper, Poblano, Jalapeno, Thai Chili, and Reaper. Vicky and LaMont start the conversation by reviewing their experiences for the past week.
In today’s episode, the hosts share the confession of a young man who is very proud of his flatulence. During the previous weekend’s bar crawl, her ass served well. She had visited an ethnic event a day before, and the food was great. However, on this day, the ass wanted to breathe! The atmosphere was loud with the DJ playing loud music. How could she help it better? She farted and mingled with the crowd to eliminate any suspicion. This was not only in one bar but four more. A fantastic and lovely occurrence, she claims.
LaMont also reads a confession of a lad who is guilty of tarnishing the reputation of his friend Sam. During the sleepover on his ninth birthday, he decided to chuck a browneye to his friends, but in the process of letting his arse breathe, pieces of poop came out and fell on the carpet accidentally. To avoid the embarrassment that awaited him the following day in school, he told all the other classmates that his friend defecated on the floor the previous night... Anyway, sorry to Sam. How would you rate these truths?
Tune in now!
[01:00] How we anticipate our new year
[03:15] 1st Truth/Confession
[03:21] “I’m proud of the furry my ass-bumps unleashed last weekend.”
[04:48] LaMont’s views and Poblano rating on the truth
[05:17] LaMont and his wife’s similar experience in a local store
[06:19] Seriously, you couldn’t do your thing on the outside? -Vicky
[08:00] Vicky rates it a Jalapeno; find out why
[09:30] Difference between trying and not trying; a perfect analogy
[13:10] Vicky would really want to know what she ate at the ethnic event
[13:58] 2nd Truth/Confession
[14:05] “I blamed my classmate for pooping on the floor on my 9th birthday.”
[15:32] Vicky’s imagery of “Chucking a browneye.”
[16:20] “Chucking a browneye” is seriously a reaper. Take it to your deathbed.
[17:48] You “sh*t” on yourself and blame somebody else? It’s a reaper too
[22:42] LaMont rates it a Thai Chili. Here’s why
[24:23] Vicky wants to know who came up with the word “chuck a browneye.”
[25:30] LaMont’s first encounter with someone chucking a browneye
[27:30] Ending show and calls to action
● “It is okay to mess twice. The third occurrence is always intentional.”
● “It is satanic to blame others for your predicaments.”
● “Fun could give a short-term thrill, but a long-term guilt.”
● Bell Pepper - Very mild Truth
● Poblano - Your Truth could irritate others.
● Jalapeno - Spicy Truth (we are giving you a side-eye)
● Thai Chili - WTF, I'm judging you.
● Reaper - Take this Truth to your deathbed
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