Episode 31

31. Body Positivity; How You See Your Body vs. How Others See It

Published on: 10th November, 2021

Loving yourself is the greatest revolution, but most people struggle with accepting themselves. To be body-positive means loving your body regardless of your color, race, size, or shape. Today’s conversation will equip you with encouraging ways to love your body without requiring another person’s approval. You will also be equipped with practical tips that you can employ to love yourself more.

In this episode of The Pick Truth Podcast, hosts Dr. Vicky Harris & LaMont Hearn Jr. are joined by Dr. Jessika Benson, a Professional School Counselor, for over 15 years. Jessika is also a trained therapist, SEL advocate, adjunct professor at Spalding University, and a psycho-education consultant. They read and rate some sweet, emotional, weird, and crazy confession stories. The rating ranges from Bell Pepper, Poblano, Jalapeno, Thai Chili, and Reaper. Vicky and LaMont start the conversation by reviewing their experiences for the past week.

In today’s episode, the hosts share the confession of a woman who is upset with her husband’s body fitness activities. The woman’s love for her husband seems to have been glued to his body shape and size. His recent body fitness activities are kind of denying her the opportunities, closeness, and intimacy they once had together. The lady is already at a point where she is filing divorce papers. Find out more in this episode! They also rate and discuss the confession of a man whose motivation to go exercising is to have a body shape that will please women. He believes that some visible abs will elevate his value towards women.

Tune in now!


[01:00] Our today’s guest- Dr. Jessika Benson

[03:16] Jessica’s  exciting experiences with her son’s playoffs

[03:58] How children sports can be nerve-racking to the parents

[05:41] LaMont’s high school football nerve-racking experiences

[06:39] Vicky’s husband does not advocate for his children playing football

[07:46] Support children. They can still succeed in other avenues.

[11:47] This week’s theme- Body positivity

[12:05] “I'm ashamed of my fit husband, am serving him divorce papers this week.”

[14:56] Jessika’s gives her views about the confession and rates it Poblano

[17:54] LaMont’s opinion about the confession and a Poblano rating

[20:00]  It is selfish to think that someone getting fit is an attack on you-Vicky

[27:24] “ I can’t say no to women once I’ve achieved my dream body.”

[28:28] Vicky’s opinions on this truth

[31:00] It is not okay to do things just to spike up people- LaMont gives it Poblano

[33:12] The man reveals sensitivity that is not much seen among men

[39:37] Reasons why men and women cheat despite having a stable family

[46:29] Who cheats more between men and women

[47:15] Ending the show


●       “Marriages are built on a common interest. Compromising the interest is strong enough to end it.”

●      “It is selfish to think that someone getting fit is an attack on you.”

●      “Be complete in yourself. Don’t wait for someone to make you feel complete.


● Bell Pepper - Very mild Truth

● Poblano - Your Truth could irritate others.

● Jalapeno - Spicy Truth (we are giving you a side-eye)

● Thai Chili - WTF, I'm judging you.

● Reaper - Take this Truth to your deathbed

Connect with Dr. Jessika Benson

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-jessika-benson-4b118b168/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrJBBenson


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Pick Truth
We can’t pick Truths without you.
"Pick Truth" is a hilarious and thought-provoking podcast that delves into the realm of black comedy and black humor Hosted by Dr. Vicky Harris and LaMont Hearn Jr. The podcast explores various aspects with a heat rating system ranging from mild truths to mind-blowing revelations, the "Pick Truth" Podcast engages listeners and challenges them to confront uncomfortable truths, entertain spicy and eye-opening revelations, and even encounter truths that might leave them speechless.

New episodes of "Pick Truth" are released every Wednesday, providing an engaging and entertaining podcasting experience for all listeners interested. So, join Dr. Vicky Harris and LaMont Hearn Jr. as they navigate the realm of truth in their unique and hilarious style.

About your hosts

Dr. Vicky Harris

Profile picture for Dr. Vicky Harris
Dr. Vicky Harris and LaMont Hearn Jr.

LaMont Hearn Jr

Profile picture for LaMont Hearn Jr