Episode 29

29. A construction worker found my secret pooping lair

Published on: 27th October, 2021

Life is full of embarrassing moments for everyone. The embarrassment of farting in public, tripping while you're walking, sending the text to the wrong person, someone catching you staring at them, bragging how great you are and then failing miserable, etc. And it's funny that we get embarrassed that everyone else does. So, from this, you might have guessed that 'Embarrassment' is the theme of this week's confession.

In this episode of The Pick Truth Podcast, hosts Dr. Vicky Harris & LaMont Hearn Jr. read some sweet, emotional, weird, and crazy confession stories and rate them as Bell Pepper, Poblano, Jalapeno, Thai Chili, and Reaper. Vicky and LaMont start the conversation by reviewing their experiences for the past week.

In today's episode, the hosts share the confession of a person who had an embarrassing encounter with a construction worker while pooping in his secret bathroom in the office. They also discuss the confession of a woman who ate so many funnel cakes on her first date with her now-husband that she got sick and puked all over the bathroom stall. The funny thing is that she left the bathroom locked from inside and crawled out like an army commander beneath the door. This incident still haunts her, and she still feels sorry for the janitor.

Tune in now!


[01:36] - When do skeletons become evil?

[02:52] - Why was Vicky angry over a Facebook post?

[04:17] - LaMont tells about his week

[05:29] - A construction worker found my secret pooping lair

[07:17] - LaMont's thoughts on this confession

[08:32] - LaMonnt has been in a similar kind of situation before

[09:53] - Vicky's reaction to the confession

[10:08] - Vicky shares a similar situation which she was in a few years ago

[11:24] - Why do we need a poop bathroom?

[14:56] - People feel weird about passing gas in front of others

[17:15] - Nothing worse than farting in an elevator

[18:02] - I puked all over a bathroom stall and left it locked from the inside

[18:54] - Vicky asks, "why you locked the stall, homey?"

[19:24] - Vicky shares a story that haunts her

[21:00] - Why she eats so many funnel cakes?

[22:33] - Both the host rates it as Thai Chilli

[23:49] - Why did she go back and eat funnel cakes again?

[24:49] - Is trying to avoid embarrassment is an appropriate reason to be dishonest

[27:28] - Is it possible to avoid embarrassment?

[28:17] - Fear is the root issue of embarrassment

[30:04] - The time when Vicky's goal was to take a shower daily

[33:07] - What Vicky has learned to embrace about herself

[36:20] - LaMont shouts out for the app Gaana


● "It's funny that we get embarrassed by something which everyone does."

● Sometimes you're just convincing yourself that everyone else doesn't believe that you fail."

● "The root issue of embarrassment is fear. It's the fear of failing or appearing to be vulnerable."

● "If we could just be comfortable sitting in uncomfortable spaces, our ability to withstand embarrassment increases."

● "There are some things that stop us from being the best version of ourselves, or stop us from experiencing life, because we're embarrassed."

●  "If you're out there and there's anything like embarrassment stopping you from moving forward, then embrace that thing that embarrasses you and embrace that you are different."

 ● "Go ahead and embrace the embarrassment and enjoy yourself in spite of what everyone else thinks. Life may be a little bit different."



● Bell Pepper - Very mild Truth

● Poblano - Your Truth could irritate others.

● Jalapeno - Spicy Truth (we are giving you a side-eye)

● Thai Chili - WTF, I'm judging you.

● Reaper - Take this Truth to your deathbed


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Pick Truth
We can’t pick Truths without you.
"Pick Truth" is a hilarious and thought-provoking podcast that delves into the realm of black comedy and black humor Hosted by Dr. Vicky Harris and LaMont Hearn Jr. The podcast explores various aspects with a heat rating system ranging from mild truths to mind-blowing revelations, the "Pick Truth" Podcast engages listeners and challenges them to confront uncomfortable truths, entertain spicy and eye-opening revelations, and even encounter truths that might leave them speechless.

New episodes of "Pick Truth" are released every Wednesday, providing an engaging and entertaining podcasting experience for all listeners interested. So, join Dr. Vicky Harris and LaMont Hearn Jr. as they navigate the realm of truth in their unique and hilarious style.

About your hosts

Dr. Vicky Harris

Profile picture for Dr. Vicky Harris
Dr. Vicky Harris and LaMont Hearn Jr.

LaMont Hearn Jr

Profile picture for LaMont Hearn Jr